Hello everyone and thank you for this very interesting discussion!

I'd like to share my opinion on parenthesized prefix syntax: I actually 
switched to Racket/Lisp because of it!  This highly uniform structure best 
fits the shape of mind as of today.

Now, I explicitly don't pretend to be representative.  Consider me to be 
the voice of those folks out there who are actually fond of parenthesis.


On Monday, April 27, 2020 at 7:25:09 PM UTC+2, Anurag Mendhekar wrote:
>  First of all, Thank you to the team for making such a fantastic system 
> available for the rest of us. I don't know what I'd have done without it.  
> As a very long time Schemer/Racketeer/Lisper and a consistent industry 
> practitioner (I have used Chez Scheme and Racket as critical parts of every 
> one of my companies in the past 20 years).
> It is somewhat unclear to me from reading this proposal what the expected 
> outcomes of this project are, or ought to be (in terms of making a real 
> change in the language ecosystem). But, if one of the outcomes is to gain 
> widespread adoption, my first thoughts upon reading this proposal are as 
> follows. 
> 1. The obsession with parentheses/syntax is misplaced. My analysis of the 
> psychology of parentheses that it is a redirection of frustration with 
> functional-style programming. Let's acknowledge the fact that functional 
> programming is a difficult paradigm for the average CS graduate and they 
> generally skew imperative (it's probably rooted in human psychology, since 
> that is how our systems are organized: around change of state). In any 
> case, the frustration in dealing with it is directed towards syntax in the 
> case of Racket. Other functional languages with conventional syntax suffer 
> the same outcome: lack of widespread adoption because of perceived 
> "annoyances". While I would welcome the ability to more easily add new 
> (possibly infix) notation into my own syntactic extensions, spending too 
> much time designing a new "better" syntax for racket is not going to reduce 
> the adoption barrier. So, I would rather own it than defend it. 
> 2. Adoption will be widespread once the language and its accompanying 
> platform can stake out a claim for itself in terms of what can be built 
> with it. 
> I can't speak to the other aspects of internal design that this post talks 
> about but here is what I believe we need in the industry to convince my new 
> crop of engineers to start adopting Racket at a larger scale. In some ways, 
> I'm looking at it as a "sell" job, and here are the things I know I can 
> sell. This is not so much about language design as much as it is about the 
> Platform itself, although I'm sure Racketeers can do a far better job of 
> bringing in elements of language design into this. Of course, the community 
> needs to work towards doing this along with the Racket team, but as a 
> community, we should set an agenda and work towards it. The Rhombus 
> discussion provides an opportunity for this. So here are my two cents. 
> A) Performance. As a point of comparison, the JVM has gotten amazingly 
> good over the past couple of decades, but Java continues to be derided as a 
> terrible language with much lower productivity. Given how productive one 
> can be in Racket, combining that with comparable performance will make it 
> an easy sell. This has largely been Go's and Rust's strategy. C++ level 
> performance with high productivity. For this day and age, this would have 
> to include GPU support (kind of like openCL). 
> B) Web First. The current the built-in web framework is not enough. The 
> language must support end-to-end development of asynchronous 
> web-applications, and it must be trivial to tack on web front-ends to 
> anything. This is the Node/JS and Ruby/Rails strategy. Racket has some 
> elements of this, but building a web-app in racket is still a lot of work. 
> With web-assembly on the horizon, Racket can very easily be a front-end 
> language as well as a back-end language. 
> C) Mobile First (ok, Second :-). The language must provide inherent 
> support for building mobile front-ends (both android and IoS). This is the 
> Swift/XCode strategy. 
> D) AI Support. AI is clearly the next wave of software and people are 
> going to be building AI into their systems for decades to come. In this 
> instance, Lisp's AI legacy might actually be of help, if we can make it 
> very easy to develop AI applications. While Python seems to be the 
> preferred language right now, I don't believe it will last too long. AI 
> programming in Python is at best a puke-worthy experience. 
> E) Cloud Ready out of the box - Simple deployment using docker, AWS Lambda 
> and the like; built-in support for directly working with cloud resources 
> (buckets, ACL's, Logs, etc.)
> F) Broad IDE support. Rather than focus on Emacs/Dr. Racket, I believe 
> Racket should take the approach of integrating with all the different 
> IDE's. (JetBrains' IDEA, NetBeans, Visual Studio, Eclipse)  Most are now 
> good enough to be scripted and in many cases the click-happy younger 
> generation deals with it better, and probably much less work than trying to 
> maintain Dr.Racket. 
> G) Other desirables, but less important than the ones above:
>   - FFI for Java libraries. (One of the biggest reasons for Clojure's 
> appeal)
>   - CLOS. It is still the finest object system ever that most effortlessly 
> blends functional-style with objects. Scala's success can be attributed to 
> its functional+object+Java interoperability strategy, type-system not 
> withstanding. 
> Anurag. 
> On Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 12:27:50 PM UTC-7, Matthew Flatt wrote:
>> [[NOTE: "Rhombus" is the new name for a design project formerly known 
>>   as "Racket2", but "Rhombus" IS NOT THE FINAL NAME OF THE NEW LANGUAGE. 
>>   "Rhombus" is the name of the project that will develop a language, 
>>   and "Rhombus" is a temporary stand-in for a language name to be 
>>   determined later. Phase 3 of the plan includes the mandatory step of 
>>   picking a new language name.]] 
>> Rhombus is about building on the good parts of Racket and advancing the 
>> frontier of Racket-style language-oriented programming. A significant 
>> part of the experiment is trying a surface syntax other than 
>> parenthesized prefix notation. Another part is simplifying and 
>> generalizing elements of `#lang racket`, such as its data structures 
>> for streams and binding with integrated and extensible 
>> pattern-matching. While some of these goals could be pursued 
>> independently, taking them together offers opportunities to make the 
>> whole language fit together better. 
>> Whether Rhombus will become a suitable alternative for current `#lang 
>> racket` can be determined only as the experiment progresses. It starts 
>> with that ambition, but the project may fail. It may fail for technical 
>> reasons, process reasons, or social reasons: 
>>  - On the technical side, we're trying to do something new. 
>>  - On the process side, we are trying a more visible and open approach 
>>    than we have used for past major changes, even to the point of 
>>    opening up the early exploratory phase. 
>>  - On the social side, we hope that skeptical Racketeers will make room 
>>    for the experiment and understand that putting the experiment in the 
>>    open (and being up-front about development costs) is part of the 
>>    more open process. 
>> Matthew Flatt will lead the project with the guidance and consent of 
>> Racket project leadership. In early phases of the experiment, Matthew 
>> is responsible for delegating and deciding when the next phase starts. 
>> Toward the end of the process, Racket leadership is responsible for 
>> deciding whether to continue. Community participation is built into the 
>> process by keeping the design discussion open and by using an RFC 
>> process for the eventual design elements. 
>> What Will Happen to Racket During Rhombus 
>> ----------------------------------------- 
>> The Racket team will continue to maintain the language and its 
>> implementations: 
>>  - The existing ecosystem will continue to function as always. 
>>  - Existing `#lang racket` programs will continue to run, just as in 
>>    the 6.x and 7.x series of releases. 
>>  - The team will release updated versions, occasionally making modest 
>>    incompatibilities with explicit transition paths as needed --- all 
>>    as usual. 
>> This does not mean that the language and its implementation will evolve 
>> at the same speed as it has in the past, but it means that we will 
>> maintain our standard commitment to reliability and quality. 
>> Phase 1: Brainstorming (months) 
>> ---------------------- 
>> GOAL AND OUTPUT: A design sketch and collection of prototype 
>> implementations that reflect key ideas and design constraints. 
>> PROCESS: This is the current phase --- a discussion of ideas and 
>> potential directions at 
>>  https://github.com/racket/rhombus-brainstorming 
>>   [formerly "racket2-rfcs"] 
>> There will be some implementation in this phase to try things out, but 
>> at first only for exploration purposes. 
>> Initially, we want to address 
>>  - generality in the data structures and libraries, 
>>  - consistency in the binding names and terminology, and 
>>  - a surface syntax other than parenthesized-prefix notation. 
>> We also presuppose a potential transition from `#lang racket`, which 
>> will constrain the space of plausible languages. Depending on how this 
>> phase unfolds, we are willing to consider the addition of goals, their 
>> removal, or their reformulation. 
>> This process will take a while, because the space is very large, 
>> because different participants in the discussion will start with one 
>> set of opinions and end with different ones, and because all of this 
>> brainstorming and exploration will be publicly visible. 
>> Some draft proposals using the RFC template will be useful at this 
>> phase, similar to prototype implementations, but the process will be 
>> informal (so, not really an RFC process). The existing "Racket2 wish 
>> list" is also part of this phase, but some effort will be needed to 
>> select, consolidate, and elaborate wish-list items. 
>> CONCLUSION: The project leader will decide on the point where there's 
>> enough agreement on specific design constraints and the outline of a 
>> design to move to the next phase. 
>> Failure is an option; some of the original goals may be abandoned, and 
>> the project as a whole may be abandoned if the project leader cannot 
>> identify a suitable product to move on to the next phase. 
>> The project leader will also use this first process to identify 
>> contributors and working-group leaders for the second phase. 
>> Phase 2: Iterative Design (years) 
>> ------------------------- 
>> GOAL AND OUTPUT: Specification and a coherent prototype for the overall 
>> language design, stable enough for practical work and at the same time 
>> subject to refinement through practice. 
>> PROCESS: This phase starts work on an implementation that is intended 
>> to last, consolidating ideas that emerged from the brainstorming phase 
>> and exposing how well different ideas fit together at scale. The design 
>> will evolve in response to the implementation effort, but it should 
>> eventually converge. 
>> The design and implementation will take place in publicly visible 
>> repositories and discussion forums. The process will use an RFC-style 
>> mechanism, with documents that pin down the design and with specified 
>> comment and conclusion timelines. 
>> The project leader will delegate RFC production and conclusion to 
>> groups of contributors that are identified by participation in the 
>> brainstorming phase (specification and implementation as well as 
>> discussion). Those groups will take feedback from the community at 
>> large, and they will be explicit about their rationales for final 
>> design decisions. Possible groups include a reader group, a macro 
>> group, a data structures and generics group, a library-organization 
>> group, and so on. 
>> CONCLUSION: When this phase produces sufficiently clear, detailed, and 
>> coherent specifications plus a significant implementation, the project 
>> can move to the next phase. 
>> Failure is still an option. If the project leader is never able to 
>> identify such a result, the project will be declared a failure. 
>> Phase 3: Conversion (months or years) 
>> ------------------- 
>> GOAL AND OUTPUT: Complete language, libraries, and documentation, 
>> including a name for the language. 
>> PROCESS: This phase starts the attempt to port and adjust appropriate 
>> existing code and documentation (e.g., in the Racket main distribution) 
>> to make sure it works and to continue sorting out any mismatches 
>> between the new language and `#lang racket` at an even larger scale. 
>> A language name --- as opposed to a temporary project name --- must be 
>> picked at this point. By delaying the choice of name until we know what 
>> the language is, we avoid confusion and misinformation due to 
>> historical properties of Rhombus-in-development that end up not being 
>> true about the completed language. 
>> CONCLUSION: The decision of whether this conversion succeeds --- 
>> including which things really should be converted or not and when 
>> progress is sufficient to consider the next step --- is up to Racket 
>> project leadership. 
>> Failure is not yet ruled out. If the Racket project leadership never 
>> approves the language for direct support, then the project fails. 
>> Phase 4: Transition (years) 
>> ------------------- 
>> GOAL AND OUTPUT: Unified distribution and presentation for the new 
>> language and the existing Racket ecosystem. 
>> PROCESS: If Rhombus is likely to appeal to a large number of people, 
>> the team will make adjustments to the existing Racket infrastructure: 
>>  - the distribution, 
>>  - the web pages, 
>>  - the pedagogic material, 
>>  - the communication channels, and 
>>  - other outward-facing aspects. 
>> It's difficult to say what transition will be needed without knowing 
>> what the actual language will look like, but it's easy to predict that 
>> some transition will be needed if the Rhombus project manages to 
>> progress to this point. 
>> Racket project leadership, expanded with leaders emerging from the 
>> Rhombus project, will make the calls at this phase. 
>> Failure is no longer an option at this point. 
>> CONCLUSION: The new language is at least as well supported and 
>> available as `#lang racket`. 
>> What Will Happen to Racket by the End 
>> ------------------------------------- 
>> Transitioning does not mean that Racket will disappear. 
>>  - Existing `#lang racket` programs will continue to run beyond Phase 4. 
>>  - The documentation for `#lang racket` will co-exist with whatever we 
>>    call the new language. 
>> Put differently, Racket will become a component of the overall new 
>> distribution. 
>> - Jay, Matthew, Matthias, Robby, and Sam 

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