I think anyone using XML or HTML seriously with Racket should probably at least be told of the SXML family of tools.  And warned about the compatibility problems.

Though not tell them *everywhere* XML&HTML in the docs.  For example, I figure a tutorial for Racket Web Server shouldn't distract readers with that.

As you know, :) there are some useful tools using SXML, and Oleg's SSAX parser has some different properties than core Racket's XML parser.

Complication: The incompatibility between SXML and core Racket's representations of XML&HTML is an unfortunate accident of parallel invention, and I think will tend to be confusing to new people.  I once tried to address the confusion in the `sxml-intro` documentation package, "https://www.neilvandyke.org/racket/sxml-intro/";, and I'm unhappy with the result.  The details in my document say more than perhaps anyone will ever want to know, and, "optics"-wise, make the situation look worse than it actually is in practice.  I think you could do a more graceful job of this.

(Someday, someone might undertake the large task of SXML-ifying all the many non-SXML bits of Racket, and incidentally reunite Racket with the rest of the Scheme community in that regard.  I started, with one piece, but got interrupted. "https://www.neilvandyke.org/racket/rws-html-template/"  :)

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