As Bogdan writes, the problem is repeatedly calling `string-append`.
Instead one can make a list of all the small strings and then use
`string-join` at the end.

#lang racket
(require racket/flonum)

(define (xy->string x y)
   (~r x #:precision 1) ","
   (~r y #:precision 1)))

(define (xy-vectors->strings x-vec y-vec)
  (for/list ((x (in-flvector x-vec))
             (y (in-flvector y-vec)))
    (xy->string x y)))

(define (xy-vectors->string x-vec y-vec)
  (string-join (xy-vectors->strings x-vec y-vec) " "))

Den søn. 27. jun. 2021 kl. 15.26 skrev Alessandro Motta <

> Hi racket-users!
> I've recently become interested in Lisp/Scheme and have started to hack
> in Racket. The excellent documentation, the fast integrated search, and
> DrRacket have made that a real pleasure.
> Thank you for that!
> I've been working on a tool to convert notes from the reMarkable 2
> tablet to SVG files. At the core is the conversion of (x, y) coordinate
> pairs from two `flvector`s to a string of the form "x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3".
> ```
> (define (xy->string x y)
>   (string-append
>    (~r x #:precision 1) ","
>    (~r y #:precision 1)))
> (define (xy-vectors->string x-vec y-vec)
>   (for/fold ((coordinates "")
>              (separator "")
>              #:result coordinates)
>             ((x (in-flvector x-vec))
>              (y (in-flvector y-vec)))
>     (values (string-append
>              coordinates
>              separator
>              (xy->string x y))
>             " ")))
> ```
> This is currently the bottleneck for large conversion jobs.
> Profiling these functions with `profile-flame-graph` resulted in
> The full profiling script is available at
> Roughly 90% of time is spent in `contract/private/arrow-val-first.rkt`.
> Based on my very limited understanding of Racket, it seems that ~38% of
> time is spent handling keyword arguments (presumably `#:precision 1`?).
> The `catnp` function (the conversion from flonum to string, I think)
> takes up only ~11% of time.
> Is this interpretation of the flame graph correct? If so, are there any
> obvious blunders on my part? Any ideas for how to speed up this code?
> Best wishes,
> Alessandro
> --
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Jens Axel Søgaard

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