On Monday, June 28, 2021 at 10:25:36 PM UTC-4 Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 9:46 PM Jonathan Simpson wrote: 
> > 
> > On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 10:29:55 AM UTC-4 Robby Findler wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Replacing ` (~r x #:precision 1)` with `(number->string x)` and ditto 
> for `y` eliminates the overhead of contracts and brings about another 4x 
> speedup on my machine. 
> > 
> > 
> > This is because the compiler is able to remove the contract checks, not 
> because number->string doesn't have a contract, correct? If it is the 
> compiler, is there any rule of thumb to determine when the compiler will 
> likely remove the contract checks? Using typed 'for' iterators seems to be 
> one case that the compiler optimizes, but can we rely on others? 
> There are two possible meanings for "contract checks" here. One is 
> "does it check that it gets the right kind of arguments, and raise an 
> error if not". In that sense, every function that is not "unsafe" has 
> contracts, certainly including `number->string`. The other meaning is 
> "uses the `racket/contract` library". The `~r` function has a contract 
> in that sense, while `number->string` does not, and that's a 
> significant source of overhead. On my laptop, just removing the 
> contract on `~r` in the source of the `racket/format` library speeds 
> up Bogdan's revised program from 600ms to 200ms. 
> Most of the time, the compiler does not remove either kind of contract 
> check. Sometimes the first kind of contract check can be removed in 
> the simplest of cases; the second kind is basically never removed by 
> the compiler. There are other cases where macros can generate code 
> that omits contract checks, as with the `for` forms when used with 
> sequence generators like `in-list`, but that is again for simple 
> checks. 
> Sam

Thanks for the reply. I was under the impression that all of the racket 
provided functions had full racket/contract contracts implemented at the 
module boundary, which is what I thought was generating errors of the form:
(number->string "aa")
; number->string: contract violation
;   expected: number?
;   given: "aa"

I take it that the contract error above was generated by a lower-level 
contract then. I've only glanced at contracts, so I assume this is 
documented somewhere. Is this section of the Reference referring to the 
simple contracts that you mention? 
>From https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/contracts.html:
Contracts come in two forms: those constructed by the various operations 
listed in this section of the manual, and various ordinary Racket values 
that double as contracts, including...

Once again, thanks for the information.

-- Jonathan

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