Bogdan Popa writes:

> Ah!  You're right.  When I make the change you suggest, the program
> takes 5s to run.  Filed under "Accidentally Not Quadratic" 😅.

The program actually takes 2.5s to run.  I missed the fact that I had
made two separate calls to `string-append!` in that version of the
program because the `string-append!` where the source and the
destination were the same ended up being so cheap.  The fixed version:

I also wrote a version of that same code with a custom `string-append`

That version takes about 6.7s to run.  When I did that, I finally
realized that what I had misinterpreted as allocation overhead was
actually mostly the overhead of zero-filling the newly-allocated string,
which I'd forgotten about.

Here's that same code, but using bytes instead of strings:

It runs in 2.2s.  Finally, a version of that code that uses a custom
byte string implementation that doesn't perform an initialization step:

That runs in 870ms, which is a little under half the time of the
previous version, which makes sense to me since the number of iterations
is halved and the GC is being side-stepped.

All that to say I was completely wrong yesterday about allocation being
a big factor here!

Assuming I haven't made any other mistakes and the same 2x improvement
could apply to a version of `string-append` that doesn't try to fill the
newly-allocated string before copying, I wonder if that would be a
worthwhile improvement to make to it.

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