On Friday, October 22, 2021 at 6:45:18 PM UTC+2 david....@gmail.com wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 5:26 AM George Neuner <gneu...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> On 10/20/2021 5:53 PM, unlimitedscolobb wrote:
> You can get a lot of mileage out of the 'set' datatype, which removes 
> ordering from the equation, especially since lists will act as sets in a 
> pinch.  (When you want to improve performance, use 'in-set' and/or 
> 'list->set'.
> To see if 2 hashes contain the same set of keys:
>>     (and (= (hash-count hash1) (hash-count hash2))
>>          (for/and ([k (in-list (hash-keys hash1))])
>>            (hash-has-key? hash2 k)))
> Alternatively:
> (set=? (hash-keys hash1) (hash-keys hash2))
> Ah, sure, good point! 

> ; Return an unordered list of the keys that are in hash1 but not in hash2
> (set-subtract (hash-keys hash1) (hash-keys hash2))
> ; Get a new hash consisting of the key/values that are in hash1 but not in 
> hash2
> (for/hash ([k (set-subtract (hash-keys hash1) (hash-keys hash2))])
>   (values k (hash-ref hash1 k)))
> ; Get a ore detailed breakdown:
> (require handy)
> (define hash1 (for/hash ([k '(a b c d e f g)] [v 10]) (values k v)))
> (define hash2 (for/hash ([k '(a b c d e z y)] [v 10]) (values k v)))
> (define hash3 (hash-set* hash2 'c 111 'd 184))
> (disjunction hash1 hash3)
> Result:
> (dict-disjunction 
>  '#hash((c . (2 111)) (d . (3 184))); values that differ between the hashes
>  '#hash((f . 5) (g . 6)) ; key/values that exist only in hash1
>  '#hash((y . 6) (z . 5)) ; key/values that exist only in hash3
>  '#hash((a . 0) (b . 1) (c . 2) (d . 3) (e . 4) (f . 5) (g . 6)) ; hash1
>  '#hash((a . 0) (b . 1) (c . 111) (d . 3) (e . 4) (y . 6) (z . 5))) ; hash3
> Wow, `handy` is very handy!  I wasn't aware of its existence, but I'll 
guess you've got yourself a new user :-)

>> Unfortunately, there is no variant of "for" that creates mutable hashes.  
>> But the general form works for anything.
> If you don't mind inefficiency then handy can be, well, handy:
> (define imm-h  (for/hash ([k '(a b c)][v 3]) (values k v)))
> (immutable? imm-h)
> (immutable? (hash->mutable imm-h))
> hash->mutable takes an existing hash, which can be either immutable or 
> mutable, and adds its key/values to a new mutable hash one by one, then 
> returns that hash.
> Very nice!

The handy module is a bit of a Fibber McGee that really needs to be broken 
> out.  It's thoroughly documented, but unfortunately only in comments.  
> Converting that to proper scribble is one of my Copious Free Times projects.
>  Ah, I see :-)

/me looks at his own CFT projects and sighs lightly.


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