Maarten Oelering wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> Thanks for your extensive reply. I am happy to hear that Radiant is  
> very active.
> However others might get the same impression as me, which probably  
> would not be the case if is updated more frequently.  
> But, as you say, the quality of the code is what counts, and not the  
> packaging.
> The fact that Radiant, like any other CMS, may not do eveything out- 
> of-the-box is not a problem. That's one of the main reasons why I  
> prefer a Rails based CMS, since it makes developing extensions a lot  
> easier.
> What made me enthousiastic in the review I mentioned is that Radiant  
> is part of list of well-known CMS's and considered as an interesting  
> new contenter which looks very promising. As a ruby developer, the  
> only lacking feature I have a problem with is the part about the  
> documentation. I will check out the Styled Blog template as you  
> suggested. This might help me creating the layouts and structure of  
> the site. However my less technical colleagues must also be able to  
> edit content or add pages to the site. If the rather conceptual  
> documentation is extended with more concrete examples, it might help  
> a lot.
> Cheers,
> Maarten

Hi Maarten,

Here's the thing - I had proposed a plan for documentation for Radiant 
on the documents mailing list but have had absolutely no time to 
contribute to it.  However, Radiant is very much alive and a lot is 
going on.

One of the things that gives Radiant a bad name (and in many places a 
good name) is the fact that it doesn't have everything and the kitchen 
sink thrown in.  It's got just enough to do a solid job of content 
management!  It doesn't come with a dozen styles, templates, etc. that 
force you to create a certain kind of content/ site.  That does mean, 
however, that you need to design your own layout.

OK, so here's what I'm willing to offer.  I wrote a "Hello World" guide 
for Radiant that talks you through the idea of creating a non-blog style 
Radiant setup (i.e., starting with an 'empty' project).  It's online 
There's also another article also at the same blog:

That said, there are a number of jewels of wisdom on this list and some 
in the wiki.  Unfortunately, the wiki is a bit slow and that's quite a 
problem.  I still want to get around to the idea of the documentation I 
had proposed, but I can't say much till I get more time.  Anyway, the 
idea is here if anyone else is interested.

Can I ask a question?  How many people here are willing to write a 
one-off  *one* article about using some facet of Radiant in a time 
period of the next 3 weeks?  Shall we aim for that?  I'll write one, 
I'll coordinate it if there are at least 10 people willing.  Then, we 
can put them all out.  If there are about 15 - 20 people, it would be 
quite a sudden push!  What do you guys thing?

2/22/2008 | 1:03 AM.

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