On 27 Apr 2008, at 01:08, Ben Morrow wrote:

<r:attachment:image name="file.jpg" [size="icon"]/>

Also, are there other sizes available like "large" and "medium", or is
"icon" the only one?

I think you used to have to change a couple of files.

In vendor/page_attachments/app/models/page_attachment.rb you can add more thumbnail sizes: :thumbnails => {:icon => '50x50>', :small => '160x160>', :medium => '320x320>', :large => '640x640>'},

and also change the admin view to find the right icon thumbnail:
<%= link_to image_tag(attachment.thumbnails.find(:first, :conditions => "thumbnail = 'icon'").public_filename, :class => "thumbnail") %>

Specifying a image size seems to expose the size="icon" attribute in the outputted page though. Is there a patch out there for fixing this?


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