Thanks guys,

I made a symlink to the rspec in Radiant's gem.  It's got me working
but I wish I didn't have to do this.  I feel dirty...  ;)


On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Sean Cribbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One could symlink that directory to the gem or vendor/radiant version.
> Sean
> Adam Williams wrote:
>> This is SUPER annoying to me, as well. It has cost me too much time over
>> the last year of my life.
>> If you look at the TextMate bundle, you'll see that it looks in the
>> current working directory for 'vendor/plugins/rspec'. If there, it will use
>> that rspec to run your code. If not, it will use the gem. Of course, then
>> the gem will not match rspec_on_rails, unless of course it does. The only
>> way to fix this is to get a 'vendor/plugins/rspec' in your project
>> directory, and then go to the command line and 'mate that/directory'.
>>  adam
>> On Jun 7, 2008, at 12:49 AM, Marty Haught wrote:
>>> Does anyone else get the incompatible version error when running rspec
>>> for their extensions?  I can get it to run fine from command line but
>>> if I run it through Textmate, I get the error.  I do have rspec
>>> installed as a gem which is why the version is off.  If I uninstall
>>> rspec then Textmate has issues (can't find spec).  Part of the problem
>>> could be that I'm running radiant through the gem and Textmate isn't
>>> looking in radiant for the rspec plugins.  Before diving any deeper
>>> into the issue I figured I'd ask the list to see if others already
>>> have a solution.  Also, does anyone else find this check a bit over
>>> the top?  I mean do the builds really need to be identical?  Shouldn't
>>> a newer version of rspec be okay?  It just feel too brittle.  Maybe
>>> they should just combine rspec and rspec on rails into the same plugin
>>> so they have to be the same.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marty
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