John and Catherine Allen wrote:

Thanks - in fact I had successfully installed the Styles 'n Scripts extension but was not clear about how to make use of it. I'll try the <r:stylesheet> tag approach.


Both the <r:stylesheet> and <r:javascript> tags have explanations if you click on the "available tags" link on the "Edit Page" screen. These descriptions should be self explanatory -- well, I understand them, anyway ;-)

It's also worth noting that the SnS extension uses default locations for your stylesheets and javascripts (they are /css & /js respectively) but you and your users never need to know these locations to use the tags. Just fill out the name of your stylesheet and the rendered output will include the full path automatically.

You can also change the default settings (including these asset directories) via the custom_settings.rb file.

Let me know if you have any troubles -- I want to make that extension as usable as possible for the community.

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