On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Chris Parrish <

> So, to make sure I understand...
> If I have an extension of mine in a submodule of a project, I can develop
> within that extension:
>   * make changes in that copy of the extension (testing its behavior
>     as part of the project)
>   * commit those changes to the submodule's repo
>   * manage branching (gitk, etc) from within that submodule
> If so, that helps me a lot.  Everything I'd read made it sound like
> submodules don't behave like a working git repo which is why I thought you
> couldn't push changes back to the original -- that submodules only permitted
> data transfer one-way (from source to your local copy).

The way I understand it, from a developing perspective, the extension is
simply a git repo that happens to exist within another git repo. You can
pull, develop, commit, and push with the extension just as you would any
other project managed with git. The difference here is when you pull,
develop, commit, and push from the master project (the Radiant install in
your case), you'll need to consider what's happening with your extension.

Do I understand it correctly?

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