On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Benny Degezelle <be...@gorilla-webdesign.be
> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> > I was wondering if anyone is using paperclipped with 0.7.0rc2.  It
> > seems to be stalling out on uploading an asset.  This could easily be
> > something unrelated to 0.7.0rc2.  If anyone knows anything about
> > what's going on I'd greatly appreciate the help.
> >
> This is due to the new RESTful routes in 0.7; paperclipped is trying to a
> named route that no longer exists.
> Have a look at the last commit in my fork;
> http://github.com/jomz/paperclipped/commit/404042a29a3ab5483d73c16b5527b426e43dbda3
> It works with other mime-types, but you have to specify them using the
> > Settings extension. You may also need to pare (sp?) down the number of
> > mime-types listed as well, because sometimes that field in settings is
> > truncated. It's really no big deal, just take out the mime-types you'll
> > never use (and there are a few) and replace them with the ones you need.
> >
> I also made it skip mimetype validation altogether if you set
> Radiant::Config["assets.skip_filetype_validation"] = true
> see the github network;
> http://github.com/kbingman/paperclipped/network

That is great information, Benny. When I move up to 0.7, I'll definitely
need this. Thanks.

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