Try the version from my fork:


It is updated to work with 0.7.


P.S. Extension developers - don't set Radiant::Config values without checking for existence of the table! Your activate methods run on initialization, whether the DB is bootstrapped or not.

James Lavin wrote:
Jim Gay wrote:
Have you run "rake db:bootstrap" yet?

The first error says 'relation "config" does not exist' meaning the
config table does not exist (which would be the case if you hadn't run
the bootstrap)

Dear Jim:

Thanks for your reply!

I didn't run "rake db:bootstrap" because I was following the (sparse) directions at, which make no mention of this.

But your comment prompted me to realize that I hadn't specified the PRODUCTION database. I ran "rake production radiant:extensions:comments:update --trace", which gave no error message. (I also then re-ran "rake production radiant:extensions:comments:migrate", which also gave no error message.)

Unfortunately, the "Comments" tab still links to, which still generates an "Application error" page. (Perhaps this is because I have now installed but not yet configured the extension, but I suspect there's still something wrong.)

mail ~/public_html/ rake production radiant:extensions:comments:update --trace
(in /home/jkl/public_html/
** Invoke production (first_time)
** Execute production
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Invoke radiant:extensions:comments:update (first_time)
** Invoke environment
** Execute radiant:extensions:comments:update

Again, Thanks.


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