If the original copy and paste was correct (below), then there is a superfluous period between the image name and the ?1234695998. No idea what would cause that though, but it's likely that's what's breaking your images.

 <img alt="remove page" src="/images/admin/remove.png.?1234695998" />

I'd follow Mohit's suggestion of a clean install, with a production bootstrapping.


On 24 Mar 2009, at 15:50, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

João Ferreira wrote:
I bootstraped the development DB.

Hmm, in general, with Radiant you normally run in the production mode (your CMS is in production - it's content may still be in development). Do you want to just try creating a new project following the instructions at:

Oh, and by the way, the part appended to the end of your image name is not a problem. It's just a Rails mechanism to prevent caching. Are you running in production or development?

3/24/2009 | 11:48 PM.

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