N. Turnage wrote:
When I try and approve, unapprove or destroy a comment I get the following error:

*ActionController::RedirectBackError in Admin/commentsController#destroy*

No HTTP_REFERER was set in the request to this action, so redirect_to :back could not be called successfully. If this is a test, make sure to specify request.env["HTTP_REFERER"].

Here is a full text of the error: http://pastie.org/442463

Anybody run into this before? I am using Radiant 0.7.1, Mac OSX 10.5.6, Ruby 1.8.6

Just found some more info about this. Apparently FireFox, my browser of choice (and the only anyone should use ;^), has an option to disable referrers. This article suggests another option for handling the redirect.

What do you think?

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