I personally also prefer textile or plain XHTML. But our customers wants some kind of WYSIWY... editing. I don't like WYSIWYG editors, but I like the WYSIWYM idea.

The WymEditor extension is far away from complete, but I have a vision about this extension. We made some good experiences in our last two projects with Blueprint CSS, and there is a Sass port called Compass. If we could make a Compass extension that would integrate nicely into the SnS extension, the WymEditor could use the Compass grid for a nice positioning of the elements and with a nice WymEditor mixin for Compass (for example +wym('Address Box')) we could add classes from our Sass file to the WymEditor with a single line, the WymEditor would then automatically be adjusted to the Sass.


On 14 Apr 2009, at 8:51 PM, Steven Southard wrote:

I just installed this extension on 7.1.  It works fine.

Then I'm looking at it in use and I can't understand why this is a helpful extension. Is this extension meant to make something easier to write? Like perfectly structured xhtml? Maybe it's just me, I think humanly written xhtml is more beautiful and meaningful.

This kind of separation from the words in the code is kind of odd to me. Seeing and reading the code connects a user to the meaning in the words. I prefer the style of the textile or markdown filters.

I think textile is really fun and clever to read and write. It's a graceful start into code and integrates nicely with radiant tags and html.

If I was wanting to add some helpful buttons with attractive icons like you see in nice editors, I'd install textile_editor. It's much more helpful and it's a great assistant because it shows you what it writes and then you can edit it if it isn't exactly what you meant.

For adding images textile_editor doesn't even need to connect up with paperclipped because paperclipped works great on its own. If you happen to be using attachments the add image button works really well.

If you want to see what you have written looks like; well, what I do is just look at it in the browser. On some sites, it's important to work in discreetly so when that is the case I'll work it out locally then copy and past the changes. You could also make a dev page somewhere not connected to the rest of the site and work it out there.

I'm glad to have you with us Alexis.  I hope your site goes well.


On Apr 14, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Michael Kessler wrote:


I have the radiant-wym-editor-filter-extension working on several sites. What version of Radiant are you using? Did you notice that there is a branch pre_0.7 for Radiant versions prior 0.7, while the master branch is for the latest Radiant 0.7.x.?

The extension doesn't need any db migration, but the images and javascript files have to be copied to the Radiant projects public folder with the rake task radiant:extensions:wym_editor_filter:install

After that the Wym editor filter should be available...


On 14 Apr 2009, at 7:05 PM, Alexis Masters wrote:

Hello! I am enjoying getting to know Radiant, and have been searching and reading the archives as well as reading the digests when they arrive. Thank you all for all you have done to make this CMS so functional.

I came upon a wonderful XML editor that apparently has been used successfully on Radiant, but I am having trouble getting it to work, and my tech support folks have not been able to install it either. We managed to get the Wymeditor filter installed correctly but the editor itself never showed up in the admin edit pages.

Does anyone have this running on their Radiant sites, and if so, can you kindly share any tips you might have about installing it--- or better yet, may I hire you to install it for me?
~ Alexis
Alexis Masters, author
510 234-0027

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