Excerpts from Alexis Masters's message of ti. april 14 19:05:19 +0200 2009:

> I came upon a wonderful XML editor that apparently has been used  
> successfully on Radiant, but I am having trouble getting it to work,  
> and my tech support folks have not been able to install it either. We  
> managed to get the Wymeditor filter installed correctly but the editor  
> itself never showed up in the admin edit pages.

Here's what I did:

Create a radiant (0.7.1) project with sqlite3 (since it's just for
testing locally)

    radiant -d sqlite3 mysite

Change into the radiant project directory

    cd mysite

Run the database bootstrap rake task

    rake production db:bootstrap

Grab the Wymeditor filter

    git clone 

Then run the rake command to update files in the site/public folder

    rake radiant:extensions:wym_editor_filter:update

Start the server

    script/server -e production

Head over to the admin area, and log in


Create a new page, and select the WymEditor next to the filter drop-down

Bjørn Michelsen
MOB: +47 934 55 474
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