I was noticing further that when a page was reading as IE it would be IE no mater what browser I tried and if it wasn't reading like IE then the same was true. Could this have to do with Radiant's cache system?

On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:19 PM, Steven Southard wrote:

Not sure if this a problem with browsers in general or Back Door but the following code only works maybe 80% of the time. It always give an answer and never gives both. It will sometimes say, "is IE" on other browsers and sometime say "not IE" on an ie browser. Using if and else has the same results. Any suggestions?

<r:if cond="request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /MSIE/">
is IE

<r:unless cond="request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] =~ /MSIE/">
not IE

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