First, I will happily apply patches.

Second, this is in the README:
Invisible Pages was developed for dealing with migrated content from another
system (WordPress specifically) to allow older content to continue
living at it's normal URL. The
design of this extension assumes that you have some content that may be directly
under your Home page, but you don't want the Radiant interface to have so many
pages on the index. Invisible Pages will keep your interface clean.

Basically, this extension was created to manage the Radiant interface
with migrated content, and not to set pages as invisible from the
Radiant interface.
It can certainly do this (with a patch), but I had no need for that.
So if you have a page like but you
1) don't want to move the page to another location and
2) don't want to see it in the main interface because it will clutter
the structure
then you should set invisible = true on that page (or those pages)
when you migrate the data.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:43 AM, john muhl <> wrote:
> i'm trying to use the invisible pages extension and had a couple of
> questions maybe someone else knows the answer to. this is a 0.8.1
> instance on sqlite3.
> 1. how do you set a page to invisible?
> i see some page types with "invisible" in the name but these seem too
> specific for my use. for example how do you hide the "page not found"
> page or an auto-generated html sitemap page? currently i am just
> setting the invisible column to true by editing the database directly.
> 2. why don't invisible pages show up in the invisible pages tab?

They should. The controller does this:
@invisible_pages = Page.find(:all, :conditions => ['invisible = ?', true])

Is it possible you're setting the value on a production/test database
and then checking in development (or something like that)?

> even after editing the database directly to set pages to invisible my
> invisible pages tab still says "There are no invisible pages on your
> system.". i tried installing dashboard as well but it says the same
> thing.
> oddly enough if i push the app up to heroku where the db is
> transferred to postgres i see the pages listed under the invisible
> pages tab. however i still don't see how you can make a page invisible
> short of editing the database.

Can you see the invisible pages if you pull the db down from heroku?

Jim Gay
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