On 13/11/2009 08:10, Charles Roper wrote:

> Well, I've found BlueCloth 2 is also not working on Windows, despite the
> fact it seemingly has a mingw binary. I think I must have been using an
> old version when I thought it was fine.

Turns out you can install BlueCloth 2 on Windows. You need to be using 
the new mingw-based Ruby and have the DevKit installed; you can then 
force the platform to 'ruby' and it'll compile the binary:

C:\>gem install bluecloth --platform=ruby
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed bluecloth-2.0.5
1 gem installed

C:\>irb -rubygems
irb(main):001:0> require 'bluecloth'
=> true


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