On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Mohit Sindhwani <t...@onghu.com> wrote:

> On 9/1/2010 12:00 AM, Erik Ostrom wrote:
> > Radiant already contains methods for constructing its URLs, so I think
> > you can use this:
> >
> >     tag 'local:edit_url' do |tag|
> >       edit_admin_page_path(tag.locals.page)
> >     end

Actually, those helpers (for routes) are not available in the models.
I don't know which module you'd need to include to do that, but it would not
work out of the box.

> >
> > You might want to show this link only to people who are logged in as
> > admins. One way to do this is a separate tag:
> >
> >     tag 'local:if_logged_in' do |tag|
> >       tag.expand if logged_in?
> >     end
> >
> > That'll let you write Radius code like this:
> >
> > <r:local:if_logged_in>
> > <a href="<r:local:edit_url/>">edit</a>
> > </r:local:if_logged_in>
> >
> > (All these code samples are untested, but, uh, they should be pretty
> > close!)
> >
> That's cool - I learn something new all the time :)
But this would require that you turn off page caching. If you attempt it, be
sure to have a simple site structure and plenty of resources behind the


Jim Gay
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