I'm trying out the Page Factory and Page Parts extensions with Radiant 0.9
(edge) and have run into a small problem. I've created a new page
factory, lib/events_page_factory.rb, that contains the following:

  class EventsPageFactory < PageFactory::Base
  description "An Events page"
  part 'sidebar'
  part 'extended'
  part 'teacher', :page_part_type => 'StringPagePart'
  part 'startdate', :page_part_type => 'DatePagePart'
  part 'enddate', :page_part_type => 'DatePagePart'

When I select the "Events Page" from the popup when creating a new page, all
the page parts are created, but the 'teacher', 'startdate', and 'enddate'
parts are text area parts instead of the expected basic page parts of single
line text and dates. I followed the example from the screencast for
specifying the page_part_type. What am I missing?

Appreciate any help.

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