On 13 Jul., 19:28, banane <ban...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sure, um,
> I'd remove old twitter ext.
> > script/extension uninstall twitter

OK, Done!

> then i'd install the new one, go into vendor/extensions and run this:
> >git clone git://github.com/banane/radiant-twitter-extension.git
OK, Done!

> then go to your rails root and run
> >rake radiant:extensions:twitter:update
> >rake radiant:extensions:twitter:migrate

Failed. I become the error:

uninitialized constant Radiant::Config

hmm? You meaned my project root!? In my case dev/tsgtrippstadt/
> that should do it (i'm kinda rusty on radiant though if someone else
> wants to chime in- welcome!)

Thanks for your help

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