Haselwanter Edmund said the following on 09/10/2010 07:35 AM:
> you did not answer my questions:
> what does (on the terminal)
> $ gem env 

I did that.
My thread was about problems with being unable to start after a
Dreamhost upgrade to 64-bit and a conversion to RedCloth-4.2.3

> output look like? 
> $ gem list
> output look like? 
> can you start irb and require something? 
> $ irb 
>>> require 'radiant' 
> => true 
>>> quit 

Doesn't that assume radiant-as-a-gem or something?

I ask because when I run that on sites I have that *do* work I get

[laney:/home/antonaylward/SystemI]$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'radiant'
LoadError: no such file to load -- radiant
        from (irb):2:in `require'
        from (irb):2

Lets not forget, however, that this is going to behave very differently
depending on the context in which I run it.   Why? Because the code that
makes up radiant redefines Kernel#require.   Go check.  That's what
'custom_require' is all about.  That was what the now obsolete but
rather more obvious 'require_gem' was about.

> please add more information to your posts :-)
> On 10.09.2010, at 13:31, Crooksey wrote:
>> I have the same error...
>> http://groups.google.com/group/radiantcms/browse_thread/thread/cab66aaf14b201fc
>> On Sep 8, 4:30 pm, chanti chanti <sampath307...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require': no such file
>>> to load -- script/../config/boot (LoadError)
>>>         from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require'
>>>         from script/server:2:in `<main>'
> --
> DI Edmund Haselwanter, edm...@haselwanter.com, http://edmund.haselwanter.com/
> http://www.iteh.at | http://facebook.com/iTeh.solutions | 
> http://at.linkedin.com/in/haselwanteredmund 

Nothing excites a magical particle like meeting itself coming the other way.
-- _The Science of Discworld_

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