On Sep 14, 2010, at 1:40 PM, jazzhermit wrote:

> Hi there.
> $ gem list radiant
> *** LOCAL GEMS ***
> radiant (0.9.1, 0.8.2)
> I have a few 0.8.2 sites in production on Heroku working fine.  For a
> new site, I started using 0.9.1, but noticed that the local versions
> of my 0.8.2 sites were picking up the 0.9.1 gem.  Obviously the Heroku
> gems manifest does not affect my local environment (too bad).
> First I tried
>  config.gem 'radiant', :version => '0.8.2'
> in environment.rb, but no luck.
> This can be fixed by "gem unpack radiant -v=0.8.2" into the vendor
> directory of my local repositories (followed by a rename of course).
> The problem is that my repository's size increases by 15MB.
> I could push this to heroku and be done, but I'd like to avoid doing
> that by being able to tell Radiant to boot locally using the 0.8.2
> gem.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Use RVM and create a gemset http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/gemsets/basics/
Or use bundler http://gembundler.com/

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC
571 - 403 - 0338

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