I'm currently developing a website for a Cinema theater.

I made it before using normal Rails application.

But after founding some awesome extensions as page_parts and
page_factory, I found it as flexible way to do what I made!

What am trying is to make a hack to make such structure for the Cinema

+ Shows
- + Show name 1
- - + Day H
- - - - Time A
- - - - Time X
- - + Day  N
- - - - Time B
- - - - Time Y
- + Show name 2
- - + Day N
- - - - Time B
- - - - Time A
- - + Day Z
- - - - Time X
- - - - Time Y

=Time is time
=Day is date

So in front end:

* show has_many show_times
* show_times belong_to show

Is theres a hack or extension i can use to figure this out?!

Thanks in advance!


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