Thanks John! So odd. It worked on the "Empty" database template
install but when I tried to run it w/ any of the other options it

Select a database template:
1. Empty
2. Roasters (a coffee-themed blog / brochure)
3. Simple Blog
4. Styled Blog
[1-4]: 1

Any ideas how to get the Roasters template to work w/ the vhost extension?

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 9:06 AM, john <> wrote:
> the plugin should be included with the extension. setup is pretty
> straightforward:
> radiant -d sqlite3 radiant_vhost
> cd !$
> rake db:bootstrap
> git clone git://
> vendor/extensions/vhost
> rake radiant:extensions:vhost:install
> ./script/server

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