On Feb 9, 2011, at 0:33 , Fima Leshinsky wrote:

> That seems very odd. How does Radiant know which site you're
> requesting? In your examples, the browser wouldn't send an HTTP Host
> header which is really the only way to differentiate between site A
> and site B at the HTTP level.  Also localhost is just an entry in your
> /etc/hosts file (assuming you're on a un*x-based system), which by
> default is configured to resolve to Since Radiant only sees
> HTTP - both of those requests would appear identical to it.
> In my case - Radiant is serving up the default site regardless of what
> Host header it sees.
> Do I need to make a change somewhere else to add new sites using the
> vhost extension?
> Interesting that the Site model doesn't contain a hostname field.
> Where is the hostname of each site specified?
> Site.find_each {|s| p s}
> #<Site id: 1, config: {"title"=>"Default"}>
> #<Site id: 2, config: {"title"=>"Effective Web Presence"}>

Dig into the models.

A site has_many :hostnames

Setup your sites with differing hostnames and then open different browser 
windows and request them.
This works just fine for me.

> Thanks again!
>> It depends on what you've setup.
>> I'll often (in development) set one site to be "localhost" and another to 
>> "" and another to ""
>> All of those point back to your internal webserver and Radiant can answer 
>> for 3 different sites.
>> Does that help?
>> -Jim

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