On 15 May 2011, at 18:24, Jim Gay wrote:

> There will be a lot happening this week.
> I'm planning to hack on Radiant most of the time, so RailsConf should
> bring some updates.
> The last pieces for 1.0 are bug fixes and the asset manager.

The asset manager is about ready. John's latest changes to the workflow have 
all been implemented, and very little significant functionality remains to add:

        * hook up the 'insert' buttons
        * sanitize the configuration process (to separate the architectural 
settings from the merely convenient)

There are a couple of #todos and I can see plenty of optimisations and cosmetic 
improvements that could be made, but it's tidy enough and functionally almost 
complete, so I think it's rc-ready. I've vendored it and would welcome your bug 
reports and improvements.



ps. The way assets are presented now means that I'm quite keen to add 
processors that will create video and pdf thumbnails, but it would have to be 
done in a platform-agnostic or at least a degradeable way. If anyone would like 
to throw in some code that would be a great help.

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