I should post an issue - it was with a new instance with Ruby1.9.2 (rvm)
using radiant -d mysql newapp then cd to newapp and couldnt do rake tasks. I
looked in the directory and didnt see rakefile or gemfile - maybe I need to
do a bundle install


On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:08 AM, Jim Gay <j...@saturnflyer.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 8:59 PM, Tom Brooke <tom.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I tried 1.0.0rc1 using  gem install radiant --prerelease  and it didn't
> > install the rakefile, gemfile and radiat.gemspec in the new directory - I
> > Guess I could copy them in but it seems that this should  be automatic
> >
> > Has anyone else tried 1.0.0rc1?
> >
> > Tom Brooke
> >
> Tom,
> We're still working through this but your questions are helpful.
> Can you describe what steps you took?
> Was this for an existing Radiant app?
> Are you looking for those files to appear in your radiant instance or
> are they not appearing in your gem directory?
> --
> Jim Gay
> Saturn Flyer LLC
> http://www.saturnflyer.com
> 571-403-0338

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