Hi *,

I see an awful lot of memory consumption on my radiant instances (mostly 0.9.1)

592 h-adm  15   0  475m 248m 3040 S  0.0  5.4   0:11.29 ruby
19113 h-adm  15   0  419m 189m 3516 S  0.0  4.1   0:37.23 ruby
24197 h-adm  18   0  397m 174m 5128 S  0.0  3.8   0:17.75 ruby
18545 apache    20   0  795m 165m 5700 S  0.0  3.6   0:01.57 httpd.worker
18543 apache    18   0  794m 163m 5664 S  0.0  3.6   0:01.04 httpd.worker
18651 h-adm  17   0  390m 159m 2964 S  0.0  3.5   0:12.03 ruby
18527 root      18   0  437m 155m 6100 S  0.0  3.4   0:01.33 httpd.worker
18710 h-adm  16   0  359m 149m 3088 S  0.0  3.3   0:05.53 ruby
18530 apache    18   0  435m 148m  628 S  0.0  3.2   0:00.43 httpd.worker
19241 h-adm  18   0  343m 137m 2480 S  0.0  3.0   0:11.67 ruby
20164 mysql     15   0  530m 131m 4960 S  0.0  2.9  28:32.50 mysqld

but not really heavy load

what is your average memory consumption per radiant instance? 

cu edi

DI Edmund Haselwanter, edm...@haselwanter.com, http://edmund.haselwanter.com/
http://www.iteh.at | http://facebook.com/iTeh.solutions | 

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