For copy_move and reorder, these should work in rc4

gem "radiant-copy_move-extension", "~> 2.4.3"
gem "radiant-reorder_children-extension", "~> 1.0.5"

For versioning, I did some updates to the chronicle extension a while
I think it will still work with rc4, but I am not using it in
production anywhere, so there may be bugs..
Also, it's lacking a gemspec, so you will have to vendor it;

git submodule add
vendor/extensions/chronicle && rake
radiant:extensions:chronicle:migrate && rake

Please open issues on github if you encounter any. Thanks!

On Feb 1, 10:24 pm, Brian Gernhardt <> wrote:
> I'm rebuilting my web-server and in the process migrating an old Radiant 
> install to 1.0rc4.  I'm having a hard time finding extensions, however.  I 
> was hoping that the community could help me out a bit.  Here's a list of the 
> non-standard extensions I'm currently using:
> - multi_site
> - Aggregation
> - Copy Move
> - reorder
> There are more features that I was looking to add, but aren't vital:
> - site-scoped assets
> - access controls
> - versioning
> If anyone has any tips about which extensions (and which forks of them) I 
> should be looking at, it would be much appreciated.
> ~~ Brian

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