Thanks for looking into this.

We must have some YAML formatting problem in the site_templates
extension (
I ran into this before when I was testing things out for 1.9.3 (I
think) but I don't understand why this would appear again after fixing

I'll try to take a look, but if you have the opportunity, check out
the YAML in that project.


On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:23 PM, John Moroney <> wrote:
> I've just replicated this. It appears during the rake db:boostrap, when
> selecting a database template. I get the error below when selecting options
> 4 and 5. 3 works, but I haven't tried either 1 or 2.
> Select a database template:
> 1. Empty
> 2. High Five!
> 3. Roasters (a coffee-themed blog / brochure)
> 4. Simple Blog
> 5. Styled Blog
> [1-5]: 5
> rake aborted!
> undefined method `keys' for #<Syck::Omap:0x007fe391e48a28>
> Ruby 1.9.3
> Gem 1.8.24
> Radiant 1.1.0
> Rails 2.3.14
> John Moroney
> On Friday, 7 September 2012 14:31:05 UTC-7, IamNaN wrote:
>> Tried three times to get Radiant installed on Linode with Ruby 1.9.3-p194
>> and postgres.
>> Using the installation and setup directions in, I get the title
>> error trying to populate the database with `bundle exec rake production
>> db:bootstrap`.
>> Can you help with that?
>> On another note... the system requirements aren't listed anywhere that I
>> can find. Rails 3 gets blown away by running `gem install radiant` (I think
>> because Gemfile.lock is included in the gem). And I'm getting numerous
>> deprecation warnings throughout the installation process. Radiant
>> development is still active, right?

Write intention revealing code #=>

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

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