On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Mike McCauley wrote:

> $_[0] is a reference to an object handle, so you will have to deref $_[0] like
> this:
> ${$_[0]}->add_attr(....

Okay, I've successfully rewritten my PreHandlerHook so that Perl no longer
complains, but now it just plain doesn't work (i.e. no changes).  Here's
what I've got:

        PreHandlerHook sub { \
                my $r; \
                foreach $r (@{{$_[0]}->{Attributes}}) { \
                        if ($r->[0] eq 'Port-Limit') { \
                                $r->[0] = 'Ascend-Maximum-Channels'; \
                        } elsif ($r->[0] eq 'Idle-Timeout') { \
                                $r->[0] = 'Ascend-Idle-Limit'; \
                        } \
                } \

No errors, just no changes.

Hey Mike, how about a nice rountine in AttrVal.pm for changing attribute
names?  :-)

Andrew O. Smith - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sysadmin, Insync Internet Services
Houston, Texas, USA

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