I've just started to setup Radiator on a Linux Redhat 6.0 machine with Authentication 
against a shadow password file. I'm having a problem 
with tests from radpstest not authenticating, accounting records are working fine. 

The encrypted passwords in the shadow file are encrypted using the crypt function, 
they are not md5 encrypted. From my brief reading of
the Radiator source code it appears that only MD5 passwords are supported by Radiator. 
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Following is
the my first radius config file, please feel free to point out any errors I may have 
made. I am note authenticating from the radius users
file. I'm using an ACC Tigris, I'd also like to hear if anyone has a config file 
specific for the Tigris.

Regards.  Paul

# livingCompat.cfg
# This is a simple Radiator config file that allows you
# to continue using a bog standard Livingston or
# similar users file with Radiator, It implements the
# Auth-Type="System" check item by using AuthBy UNIX
# You will probably want to change the definitions of 
# DbDir, LogDir and the Filename parameters
# Author: Mike McCauley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
# Copyright (C) 1997 Open System Consultants
# $Id: livingCompat.cfg,v 1.3 1999/07/12 02:01:35 mikem Exp $

DbDir           /etc/raddb
LogDir          /var/log/radacct
DictionaryFile  /etc/raddb/dictionary

# This clause defines a single client to listen to
# You will probably want to change localhost and mysecret
# to suit your site.
<Client xenon>
        Secret   xxxx
<Client dm1>
        Secret   xxxx
<Client pm1>
        Secret   xxxx

# This clause means we will handle any real that arrives
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename /etc/raddb/users
        # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
        AcctLogFileName /var/log/radacct/detail

# This clause defines an authorisation method that will be used
# by any users in the database with Auth-Type="System". It will
# match the "Identifier System"
<AuthBy UNIX>
        Identifier System
        Filename /etc/shadow

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