The password log file typically stores things in the following format (taken
right from the reference manual):


If a user logs in with a valid username and password, it gets logged with
'PASS'.  If user tries to log in with a valid username and bad password,
it gets logged with 'FAIL'.  However, if a user tries to log in and does
not type in a valid username (but the password might have been correct),
nothing gets logged at all.

I would like to see messages for the invalid usernames as well.  The word
'UNKNOWN' can be placed in the correct_password field as a place holder.

I may try to work up a patch to do this and pass it along.  However, I have
to finish up on our home-grown authentication module first, as that takes
priority, irrigardless of logging :-)

      Scott W. Adkins          
   UNIX Systems Engineer                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        ICQ 7626282                     Work (740)593-9478 Fax (740)593-1944
       CNS, HDL Center, Suite 301, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979

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