Hi Folks,

I am trying to trap user passwords using PasswordLogFileName... but it is
not working, can anyone tell me why?  My config info appears below and any
assistance would be appreciated....

<Realm TrapPasswords>
 # Strip the realm so we can auth with the bare user name
 # in the users file
 RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
 PasswordLogFileName %D/passwords.txt
 AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileJustDoThemAllThanks
 <AuthBy SQL>
    DBSource dbi:ODBC:RadiusLog
    DBUsername radiusd
    DBAuth mypassword
  AccountingTable ACRACCOUNTING
  AcctColumnDef USERNAME,User-Name
  AcctColumnDef TIMESTAMP,Timestamp,integer
<... snip ...>
  AcctColumnDef CALLERID,Calling-Station-Id
      <AuthBy RADIUS>
  Host whatever.com.au
  Secret mysecret

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