Hello Samantha -

At 12:39 +0600 01/2/14, Samantha Naleendra Senaratna wrote:
>I've been developing a MySQL based authentication system for our users. We
>are using Radiator version 2.14.1. I need to trap the reason for 
>  REJECTs. (for e.g expiration
>date passed or session timeout ), and update the database to indicate a
>status for each user. I was hoping to do this using a PostAuthHook,
>calling a perl function.  This passes a link to the request object to
>the PostAutHook. But I have been limited in this since I couldn't
>find any documentation of the attributes (and methods) of each user
>request object. Could you please help me on this. If anyone could tell
>where to find such a documentation it would be very helpful to me.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "documentation of the 
attributes (and methods) of each user request object"?

The best way to find out what Radiator is doing is to read the source 
code (radiusd itself and the modules in the Radius subdirectory in 
the distribution). Aside from that there is some information in the 
reference manual in section 17, and there are several example hooks 
that demonstrate many advanced techniques in the file 
"goodies/hooks.txt" in the distribution.

Note that the latest version of Radiator is 2.17.1.




NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our correspondence.

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