Hello Stephen,

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 03:48, Stephen Malenshek wrote:
> I am having a very difficult time with this product.  I have read and
> reread the documentation on several occasions and evidently I am just to
> stupid to figure this out.  The following is the error messages that I
> am getting:

Hello Stephen,

the main problem is that your DEFAULT Realm is using AuthBy SQL with the 
default AuthSelect (which is select PASSWORD from SUBSCRIBERS where 
USERNAME=%0). However, your subscribers table calls the password field passwd.

I suggest you change your Realm clause to be like this:

 <Realm DEFAULT>
         <AuthBy SQL>
                 DBSource dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
                 DBUsername      xxxxx
                 DBAuth          xxxxxx
             AuthSelect select passwd from subscribers where username = %0

and go from there.

You also have two Realm DEFAULT clause. I suggest you remove the one that has 
the AuthBy FILE in it.

There is a lot of other (prob unneccessary) stuff in your config file. You 
might want to consider starting with goodies/sql.cfg as a simple SQL 
configuration example (use the AuthSelect I show above.)


> Tue Mar 26 10:12:03 2002: ERR: Execute failed for 'select PASSWORD from
> SUBSCRIBERS where USERNAME='stephen'': ERROR:  Attribute 'password' not
> found
> Tue Mar 26 10:12:03 2002: ERR: Execute failed for 'select PASSWORD from
> SUBSCRIBERS where USERNAME='stephen'': ERROR:  Attribute 'password' not
> found
> Tue Mar 26 10:12:03 2002: ERR: Execute failed for 'select PASSWORD from
> SUBSCRIBERS where USERNAME='DEFAULT'': ERROR:  Attribute 'password' not
> found
> Tue Mar 26 10:12:03 2002: ERR: Execute failed for 'select PASSWORD from
> SUBSCRIBERS where USERNAME='DEFAULT'': ERROR:  Attribute 'password' not
> found
> Tue Mar 26 10:12:03 2002: INFO: Access rejected for stephen: No such
> user
> The following is the radius.cfg:
> #Foreground
> #LogStdout
> LogDir          /var/log/radius
> DbDir           /etc/raddb
> Trace           3
> <Client DEFAULT>
>         Secret  xxxxxx
>         DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> <Realm DEFAULT>
>         <AuthBy FILE>
>                 Filename %D/users
>         </AuthBy>
>         AcctLogFileName %L/detail
> </Realm>
> <Realm DEFAULT>
>         <AuthBy SQL>
>                 DBSource
> dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>                 DBUsername      xxxxx
>                 DBAuth          xxxxxx
>         </AuthBy>
> </Realm>
> # <Handler Service-Type=Call-Check>
> #         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> #         <AuthBy FILE>
> #                 Filename %D/call-check
> #         </AuthBy>
> # </Handler>
> <Handler Realm=DEFAULT,Acct-Status-Type=/.+/>
>         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
>         RewriteUsername s/^P(.*)$/$1/
>         RewriteUsername tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/
>         AcctLogFileName %L/detail-%Y-%m
> #       AcctLogFileFormat %{Timestamp} %{Acct-Session-Id} %{User-Name}
> WtmpFileName %L/wtmp
> #       PasswordLogFileName %L/password-%Y-%m
> #       PreAuthHook     sub { print "Here I am in PreAuthHook\n" }
> #       PostAuthHook    sub { print "Here I am in PostAuthHook\n" }
>         #AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject
>         #AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
>         AuthByPolicy DoAllAuths
>         <AuthBy SQL>
>                 Fork
>                 Identifier      AcctSTART
>                 AuthSelect
>                 DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host=
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>                 DBUsername      xxxxx
>                 DBAuth          xxxxxx
> #                DBSource        dbi:Pg:radius:backuphost
> #                DBUsername      aUser
> #                DBAuth          aPassWord
>                 AccountingStartsOnly
>                 AcctSQLStatement insert into ACCOUNTING \
>                 ( \
>                 username,calledstationid,nasidentifier,\
>                 clientip,nasport,nasporttype,\
>                 acctstatustype,acctdelaytime,acctsessionid,\
>                 time_stamp,servicetype,framedprotocol,\
>                 framedipaddress,requestauth,\
>                 start_time,stop_time,\
>                 connect_info\
>                 ) \
>                 values \
>                 (\
>                 ip_to_int('%{User-Name}',\
>                 '%{Called-Station-Id}',\
>                 '%{NAS-IP-Address}',\
>                 '%{Client-IP-Address}',\
>                 '%{NAS-Port}',\
>                 '%{NAS-Port-Type}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Status-Type}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Delay-Time}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Session-Id}',\
>                 '%{Timestamp}',\
>                 '%{Service-Type}',\
>                 '%{Framed-Protocol}',\
>                 '%{Framed-IP-Address}',\
>                 '%{Request-Authenticator}\
> #                From_unixtime(%{Timestamp}),\
> #                0,\
> #                '%{Connect-Info}'\
>                 )
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy SQL>
>                 Fork
>                 Identifier      AcctSTOP
>                 AuthSelect
>                 DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host=
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>                 DBUsername      xxxxx
>                 DBAuth          xxxxxx
> #                DBSource        dbi:mysql:db:backuphost
> #                DBUsername      aUser
> #                DBAuth          aPassWord
>                 AccountingStopsOnly
>                 AcctSQLStatement insert into ACCOUNTING \
>                 ( \
>                 nasport,nasporttype,acctinputoctets,\
>                 acctoutputoctets,acctinputpackets,acctoutputpackets,\
> acctstatustype,acctdelaytime,acctsessionid,acctsessiontime,\
> acctterminatecause,time_stamp,servicetype,framedprotocol,\
>                 framedipaddress,requestauth,\
>                 start_time,stop_time,\
>                 connect_info\
>                 ) \
>                 values \
>                 (\
>                 ip_to_int('%{User-Name}',\
>                 '%{Called-Station-Id}',\
>                 '%{NAS-IP-Address}',\
>                 '%{NAS-Port}',\
>                 '%{NAS-Port-Type}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Input-Octets}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Output-Octets}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Input-Packets}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Output-Packets}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Status-Type}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Delay-Time}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Session-Id}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Session-Time}',\
>                 '%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}',\
>                 '%{Timestamp}',\
>                 '%{Service-Type}',\
>                 '%{Framed-Protocol}',\
>                 '%{Framed-IP-Address}',\
>                 '%{Request-Authenticator}\
> #                From_unixtime(%{Timestamp}),\
> #                0,\
> #                '%{Connect-Info}'\
>                 )
>                 AcctSQLStatement update usertime set \
>                 time_on = %{Acct-Session-Time,NULL},\
>                 InBytes = %{Acct-Input-Octets,NULL},\
>                 OutBytes = %{Acct-Output-Octets,NULL},\
>                 term_cause = %{Acct-Terminate-Cause,integerNULL},\
>                 stop_time = From_unixtime(%{Timestamp}),\
>                 terminate_detail = '%{LE-Terminate-Detail}',\
>                 connect_info = concat(connect_info ,";",
> '%{Connect-Info}') \
>                 WHERE \
>                 server = ip_to_int('%{NAS-IP-Address}') AND \
>                 id = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' AND \
>                 name = '%{User-Name}' AND \
>                 port = '%{NAS-Port}'
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy TEST>
>                 # Return a Packet
>         </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> <Handler Realm=DEFAULT,Proxy-State="0">
>         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
>         RewriteUsername s/^P(.*)$/$1/
>         RewriteUsername tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/
>         AcctLogFileName %L/roam-detail-auth-%Y-%m
>         PasswordLogFileName %L/password-roam-%Y-%m
>         AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject
>         #AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
>         #AuthByPolicy DoAllAuths
>         <AuthBy SQL>
>                 DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host=
> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>                 DBUsername      xxxxx
>                 DBAuth          xxxxxx
> #                DBSource        dbi:mysql:db:backuphost
> #                DBUsername      aUser
> #                DBAuth          aPassWord
>                 AuthSelect      select \
> if(pw_iscrypt=0,passwd,concat('{crypt}',passwd)),\
>                         port_limit,\
>                         radius_check,\
>                         concat(\
> if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User","Service-Type=Framed-User,",""),\
>                             if(server=3,"NAS-Port-Type = Async,",""),\
> if(type=2,"Time=Al1550-0930,SaSu0000-2400","")\
>                         ),\
>                         radius_reply,\
>                         concat(\
>                             if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User",\
> "Service-Type=Framed-User,Framed-Compression=Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,Framed-
> MTU=1500,Framed-Protocol=PPP,",""),\
>                             if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User" &&
> filter.name>""
> ,\
> concat("Filter-Id=",filter.name,","),""),\
> if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User",if(ISNULL(static_ip) ||
> static_ip='',\
> 'Framed-IP-Address=,',concat("Framed-IP-Address=",static_
> ip,",")),\
>                               ""),\
> if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User",if(ISNULL(static_netmask) ||
> static_netmask='',\
> 'Framed-IP-Netmask=,',concat("Framed-IP-Netmask=",static_
> netmask,",")),\
>                               ""),\
> if("%{Service-Type}"<>"Framed-User","Service-Type=Login-User,Login-IP-Ho
> st=phobos.kiss.de,Login-Service=Rlogin,","")\
>                         ),\
>                         if(expires<"1990-01-01",NULL,expires),\
>                         port_limit \
>                         FROM accounts  left outer join filter ON
> accounts.filter=filter.id \
>                         WHERE \
>                              accounts.name = '%n' AND active <> 0 AND
> (type <= OR type =3) AND \
>                             (server IN ('1','2','3') OR server =
> ip_to_int('%N')
> )
>                 # type=3 : only-radius
>                 # type=0 : normal
>                 # type<0  : Versch. restrictions
>                 # server 0 = NONE
>                 # server 1 = ALL
>                 # server 2 = ISDN
>                 # server 3 = Analog
>                 AuthColumnDef   0,User-Password,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   1,Simultaneous-Use,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   2,GENERIC,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   3,GENERIC,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   4,GENERIC,reply
>                 AuthColumnDef   5,GENERIC,reply
>                 AuthColumnDef   6,Expires,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   7,Port-Limit,reply
>                 #
>                 StripFromReply  Filter-Id
>         </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> <Handler Realm=DEFAULT>
>         RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
>         RewriteUsername s/^P(.*)$/$1/
>         RewriteUsername tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/
>         AcctLogFileName %L/detail-auth-%Y-%m
> #       AcctLogFileFormat %{Timestamp} %{Acct-Session-Id} %{User-Name}
>         WtmpFileName %L/wtmp
> #       PasswordLogFileName %L/password-%Y-%m
> #       PreAuthHook     sub { print "Here I am in PreAuthHook\n" }
> #       PostAuthHook    sub { print "Here I am in PostAuthHook\n" }
>         AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject
>         #AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept
>         #AuthByPolicy DoAllAuths
>         <AuthBy SQL>
>                 DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host=
>                 DBUsername      radacct
>                 DBAuth          5qweh*ujnbhtr
> #                DBSource        dbi:mysql:db:backuphost
> #                DBUsername      aUser
> #                DBAuth          aPassWord
>                 AuthSelect      select \
> if(pw_iscrypt=0,passwd,concat('{crypt}',passwd)),\
>                         port_limit,\
>                         radius_check,\
>                         concat(\
> if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User","Service-Type=Framed-User,",""),\
>                             if(server=3,"NAS-Port-Type = Async,",""),\
> if(type=2,"Time=Al1550-0930,SaSu0000-2400","")\
>                         ),\
>                         radius_reply,\
>                         concat(\
>                             if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User",\
> "Service-Type=Framed-User,Framed-Compression=Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP,Framed-
> MTU=1500,Framed-Protocol=PPP,",""),\
>                             if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User" &&
> filter.name>""
> ,\
> concat("Filter-Id=",filter.name,","),""),\
> if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User",if(ISNULL(static_ip) ||
> static_ip='',\
> 'Framed-IP-Address=,',concat("Framed-IP-Address=",static_
> ip,",")),\
>                               ""),\
> if("%{Service-Type}"="Framed-User",if(ISNULL(static_netmask) ||
> static_netmask='',\
> 'Framed-IP-Netmask=,',concat("Framed-IP-Netmask=",static_
> netmask,",")),\
>                               ""),\
> if("%{Service-Type}"<>"Framed-User","Service-Type=Login-User,Login-IP-Ho
> st=phobos.kiss.de,Login-Service=Rlogin,","")\
>                         ),\
>                         if(expires<"1990-01-01",NULL,expires),\
>                         port_limit \
>                         FROM accounts  left outer join filter ON
> accounts.filter=filter.id \
>                         WHERE \
>                              accounts.name = '%n' AND active <> 0 AND
> (type <= 0 OR type =3) AND \
>                             (server IN ('1','2','3') OR server =
> ip_to_int('%N')
> )
>                 # type=3 : only-radius
>                 # type=0 : normal
>                 # type<0  : Versch. restrictions
>                 # server 0 = NONE
>                 # server 1 = ALL
>                 # server 2 = ISDN
>                 # server 3 = Analog
>                 AuthColumnDef   0,User-Password,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   1,Simultaneous-Use,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   2,GENERIC,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   3,GENERIC,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   4,GENERIC,reply
>                 AuthColumnDef   5,GENERIC,reply
>                 AuthColumnDef   6,Expires,check
>                 AuthColumnDef   7,Port-Limit,reply
>         </AuthBy>
>         <AuthBy FILE>
>                 Filename %D/users
>         </AuthBy>
> </Handler>
> <SessionDatabase SQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:Pg:dbname=radius;host= xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>         DBUsername      xxxxx
>         DBAuth          xxxxxx
> #        DBSource        dbi:mysql:db:backuphost
> #        DBUsername      aUser
> #        DBAuth          aPassWord
>         AddQuery insert into RADONLINE \
>           values (\
>           '%n', %{Called-Station-Id}, '%N', %{NAS-Port,NULL}, \
>           '%{Acct-Session-Id}', %{Timestamp}, '%{Framed-IP-Address}',\
>           '%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%{Service-Type}')
>         DeleteQuery delete from RADONLINE \
>           where USERNAME='%n' and \
>           NASIDENTIFIER='%N' and NASPORT=%{NAS-Port,NULL}
>         ClearNasQuery delete from RADONLINE where NASIDENTIFIER='%N'
>         CountQuery select NASIDENTIFIER, NASPORT, ACCTSESSIONID from
> here USERNAME='%n'
> </SessionDatabase>
> This is a list of tables that I have specified in the database.
>             List of relations
>          Name         | Type  |  Owner
> ----------------------+-------+----------
>  accounting           | table | postgres
>  groupradius          | table | postgres
>  radclientlist        | table | postgres
>  radlog               | table | postgres
>  radonline            | table | postgres
>  radpool              | table | postgres
>  radsqlradius         | table | postgres
>  radsqlradiusindirect | table | postgres
>  radstatslog          | table | postgres
>  subscribers          | table | postgres
> (10 rows)
> radius=# \d accounting
>                   Table "accounting"
>      Attribute      |         Type          | Modifier
> --------------------+-----------------------+----------
>  username           | character varying(50) |
>  realm              | character varying(50) |
>  calledstationid    | integer               |
>  nasidentifier      | character varying(50) |
>  nasipaddress       | character varying(50) |
>  clientip           | character varying(25) |
>  nasport            | integer               |
>  nasporttype        | character varying(30) |
>  acctinputoctets    | integer               |
>  acctoutputoctets   | integer               |
>  acctinputpackets   | integer               |
>  acctoutputpackets  | integer               |
>  acctstatustype     | character varying(10) |
>  acctdelaytime      | integer               |
>  acctsessionid      | character varying(30) |
>  acctsessiontime    | integer               |
>  acctterminatecause | integer               |
>  time_stamp         | integer               |
>  servicetype        | character varying(80) |
>  framedprotocol     | character varying(50) |
>  framedipaddress    | character varying(22) |
>  requestauth        | character varying(50) |
>  start_time         | character varying(50) |
>  stop_time          | character varying(50) |
>  connect_info       | character varying(50) |
> Index: accounting_i
> radius=# \d radclientlist
>                       Table "radclientlist"
>           Attribute           |         Type          | Modifier
> ------------------------------+-----------------------+----------
>  nasidentifier                | character varying(50) | not null
>  secret                       | character varying(50) | not null
>  ignoreacctsignature          | integer               |
>  dupinterval                  | integer               |
>  defaultrealm                 | character varying(50) |
>  nastype                      | character varying(20) |
>  snmpcommunity                | character varying(20) |
>  livingstonoffs               | integer               |
>  livingstonhole               | integer               |
>  framedgroupbaseaddress       | character varying(50) |
>  framedgroupmaxportsperclassc | integer               |
>  rewriteusername              | character varying(50) |
>  noignoreduplicates           | character varying(50) |
>  prehandlerhook               | character varying(50) |
> Index: nasidentifier_i
> radius=# \d radlog
>                  Table "radlog"
>  Attribute  |          Type          | Modifier
> ------------+------------------------+----------
>  time_stamp | integer                |
>  priority   | integer                |
>  message    | character varying(200) |
> radius=# \d radonline
>                  Table "radonline"
>     Attribute    |         Type          | Modifier
> -----------------+-----------------------+----------
>  username        | character varying(50) |
>  calledstationid | character varying(20) |
>  nasidentifier   | character varying(50) |
>  nasport         | integer               |
>  acctsessionid   | character varying(30) |
>  time_stamp      | integer               |
>  framedipaddress | character varying(22) |
>  nasporttype     | character varying(10) |
>  servicetype     | character varying(20) |
> Indices: radonline_i,
>          radonline_i2
> radius=# \d radpool
>                 Table "radpool"
>  Attribute  |         Type          | Modifier
> ------------+-----------------------+----------
>  state      | integer               | not null
>  time_stamp | integer               |
>  expiry     | integer               |
>  username   | character varying(50) |
>  pool       | character varying(50) | not null
>  yiaddr     | character varying(50) | not null
>  subnetmask | character varying(50) | not null
>  dnsserver  | character varying(50) |
> Indices: radpool_i,
>          radpool_i2
> radius=# \d radsqlradius
>                      Table "radsqlradius"
>          Attribute          |         Type          | Modifier
> ----------------------------+-----------------------+----------
>  targetname                 | character varying(50) |
>  host1                      | character varying(50) |
>  host2                      | character varying(50) |
>  secret                     | character varying(50) |
>  authport                   | character varying(20) |
>  acctport                   | character varying(20) |
>  retries                    | integer               |
>  retrytimeout               | integer               |
>  useoldascendpasswords      | integer               |
>  serverhasbrokenportnumbers | integer               |
>  serverhasbrokenaddresses   | integer               |
>  ignorereplysignature       | integer               |
>  failurepolicy              | integer               |
> Index: radsqlradius_i
> radius=# \d radsqlradiusindirect
>          Table "radsqlradiusindirect"
>  Attribute  |         Type          | Modifier
> ------------+-----------------------+----------
>  sourcename | character varying(50) |
>  targetname | character varying(50) |
> Index: radsqlradiusindirect_i
> radius=# \d radstatslog
>                       Table "radstatslog"
>           Attribute          |         Type          | Modifier
> -----------------------------+-----------------------+----------
>  time_stamp                  | integer               |
>  type                        | character varying(20) |
>  identifier                  | character varying(30) |
>  accessaccepts               | integer               |
>  accesschallenges            | integer               |
>  accessrejects               | integer               |
>  accessrequests              | integer               |
>  accountingrequests          | integer               |
>  accountingresponses         | integer               |
>  badauthaccessrequests       | integer               |
>  badauthaccountingrequests   | integer               |
>  badauthrequests             | integer               |
>  droppedaccessrequests       | integer               |
>  droppedaccountingrequests   | integer               |
>  droppedrequests             | integer               |
>  dupaccessrequests           | integer               |
>  dupaccountingrequests       | integer               |
>  duplicaterequests           | integer               |
>  malformedaccessrequests     | integer               |
>  malformedaccountingrequests | integer               |
>  proxiednoreply              | integer               |
>  proxiedrequests             | integer               |
>  requests                    | integer               |
>  responsetime                | numeric(12,6)         |
> radius=# \d subscribers
>               Table "subscribers"
>  Attribute |          Type          | Modifier
> -----------+------------------------+----------
>  username  | character varying(50)  | not null
>  realname  | character varying(50)  |
>  passwd    | character varying(50)  |
>  epasswd   | character varying(50)  |
>  uid       | integer                |
>  gid       | integer                |
>  homedir   | character varying(50)  |
>  shell     | character varying(50)  |
>  checkattr | character varying(200) |
>  replyattr | character varying(200) |
> Indices: realname_i,
>          subscribers_pkey,
>          username_i
> Please forgive me if this is not the proper way to post to this list,
> but I have wasted 3 days trying to figure the proper structure out for
> this product.  The documentation for a PostgreSQL documentation is
> sparse and everything I have has been adapted from the
> wimsComplexConfig.txt file located in the goodies directory.  I have not
> found any place that I can specify anything for SUBSCRIBERS for
> authentication in the radius.cfg file and I do not know what structure
> needs to be added to make this happen.  This is my first implementation
> with this product, but I have had a lot of experience with Cistron, and
> trying to convert from one to the other is a little bit of a stretch.
> Thanks in advance for any help that you might provide.
> Stephen Malenshek
> Valuelinx Corporation

Mike McCauley                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
24 Bateman St Hampton, VIC 3188 Australia   http://www.open.com.au
Phone +61 3 9598-0985                       Fax   +61 3 9598-0955

Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server 
anywhere. SQL, proxy, DBM, files, LDAP, NIS+, password, NT, Emerald, 
Platypus, Freeside, TACACS+, PAM, external, Active Directory etc etc 
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