
Very good questions.  But the best answer isn't point-by-point but to tell you

what model of the future I am working with:  Basically, for this issue, not 
other issues,

the 1950s.

The place is America.  For now let me defer discussion of how Muslim mobs deal 
with things.

Although maybe they have one thing right in terms of a deterrence effect.  Back 
long before

the current war,  the Yemenis had a system in place that seemed to work well.  
Anyone caught

in a homosexual act was taken for a plane ride. Crowds would gather below.  
Then the

homosexual would be allowed to exit the plane  -at 20,000 feet. No need for a 

because that would spoil the fun.

This is not what I have in mind, but just sayin'...

The 1950s in the USA were the Eisenhower years.  Homosexuality was illegal 

No homosexuals employed by the FBI or CIA. No homosexuals employed as teachers.

Generally it was a disgrace to be a homosexual, it was socially stigmatized.  
While there

had been some lessening of legal penalty for homosexuality over the years, here 
in Oregon

it still was a capital offense. The ACLU was opposed to toleration of 

the APA classified homosexuality as  mental illness even as therapies to cure 
the illness

were being developed.  And so forth. You get the picture.

And we had social stability, Hollywood was not a moral cesspool, and religion

flourished as never before in US history   -at least since the Great Awakening.

OK, got a better model for the future?


From: <> on 
behalf of Centroids <>
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2019 12:40 PM
Cc: Billy Rojas
Subject: war on homosexuality Re: [RC] Lessons in Practical Philosophy #2

Hi Billy,

> There is no excuse at all for toleration of homosexuals or of homosexuality.

I assume you mean intellectual toleration?

How do you feel about hate speech against homosexuals?

What about a Muslim preacher telling an angry mob that specific homosexuals in 
their community should be stoned?

These are non-rhetorical questions. I am trying to understand what level of war 
you are hoping for...


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