dean;463390 Wrote: 
> On Sep 30, 2009, at 3:06 AM, morgan4x4 wrote:
> > I am curious to _hear_from_Logitech_ why they decided to design this
> > product without the snooze.
> I don't work for Logitech anymore, but I was one of the product  
> designers.
> We decided that the biggest control on the device, the giant knob in  
> the middle of the front, would be an adequate snooze button.
> If you haven't seen one in person yet, buy it and take advantage of  
> the 30-day money back guarantee.  If you find the snooze too awkward, 
> take it back!
> -dean

Good suggestion Dean. A bit of a hassle if it doesn't work, but worth a
try. It seems like a great device, so worth a try. I was mostly thrown
off the scent when it sounded as though I could inadvertently cancel the
alarm, rather than invoke a snooze, with the big button. 

Anyway, it's compelling enough to give a try.

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