unclemat;469453 Wrote: 
> I am not sure I am going to keep the Radio. Didn't even think I would
> take advantage of the 30 day satisfaction policy. I might. The lack of
> backlit keys might be the deal breaker. I bought the Boom new for $240
> shipped, so the radio for $200 wasn't much of a deal. I bought it for
> the form factor and the option of becoming portable with the future
> battery pack.
> Summary: not impressed.

where did u get a new boom for $240?  thats cheaper than the sbradio
with battery!


sb2 & sbc (my home) / sbr (parent's home) - w/sc 7.3.4b - win xp pro
sp3 ie8 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 - d-link dir-655
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