toby10;471799 Wrote: 
> I never thought I'd use the free subscription services either, but I'm
> hooked on them now and listen to them far more than my own music
> collection.  Plus they are a great way to discover new artists that are
> very similar to what you already like.  :)
> Just a thought.

+ 1     

I originally bought a duet for the sole purpose of not having to
directly hook up an ipod to my a/v receiver to play my own music.  Only
after buying the duet did I discover Radio IO; Pandora, and the
like.   I had never heard of these things until then (or only had a
vague idea that they existed).  But I now listen to these services way
more than my own music collection.

Not to mention the weird satisfaction in being able to listen to radio
stations in exotic lands, in cities you can't even pronounce, much less

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