-"What if some people like the display to be dimmer than others in a
totally dark room? Can the dim level be adjusted?"-

DiSNEYN;470955 Wrote: 
> Very Very Big House You Must Have? In which room do you have every
> player?I'm not sure I understand how your questions relate to my post that you
quoted. I was simply implying that it would be nice if the dim level was
adjustable. As others have already pointed out, some people are
extremely sensitive to light while they're sleeping. Others, myself
included, are not bothered by this as much.

As far as addressing your question about which room my players are in,
I currently have a Boom in the master bedroom on my nightstand. The
other players are in my family room, game room and home theater. The
Radio (which should arrive today :)) will be going in the guest bedroom.
Assuming I like the Radio as much as I think I will, I'll probably buy a
second one for my kitchen. This would be another scenario where
adjustable dimming would come in handy. There would be no reason to dim
it all the way down in the kitchen, and yet it would be nice to dim it
somewhat at night to conserve energy.


2 Squeezebox Receivers
1 Squeezebox Classic
1 Squeezebox Boom
3 Squeezebox Controllers
1 Squeezebox Radio (in transit)
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