I just got mine - very impressive!

It's much smaller than I thought - but I'm used to a huge internet
radio that I had picked up for $50 three years ago.  The red colour
isn't as nice as I thought it would be, although perhaps I can pretend
it's Italian.  At least it's different to black.  The sound quality is
fine for kitchen listening.

I'd say the UI is a little on the complex side, but is full of nice
features.  In particular the  "1-5" preset buttons which just let you
just push a button and listen to radio without having to think.  Very
nice how you can put a 'shuffle' option on the main screen too (although
'song mix' is a bit obscure for the iPod generation)  

Often i'm cooking or something and i just want it to play some music
and not have to think about it and the radio  meets that.  I also
appreciated how it found 'local' radio stations when I was setting it

One tiny bug is that the BBC app is called "RADIO_PROVIDERS_BBC" when
you add it to the home page.

This thing is full of attention to detail.  Well done.

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