The Squeezebox Radio Accessory Pack, which includes the battery and a
mini-remote control, will be available in the latter half of January
2010. It will be available for purchase from the US web
site. We're working to ensure it is available simultaneously worldwide

It may be available through other retailers such as Amazon, but I am
not sure.

The price will be $49.99 USD.

Some of you may see a battery as optional. I used to think that too,
but in daily use at my house, a battery is mandatory. The battery
transforms a Squeezebox Radio into a take-anywhere, indoor or outdoor
source of all your music or internet radio. As a member of the
Squeezebox team, I have lots of Squeezeboxes at home. But the
battery-powered Radio is first choice for my family most of the time.

Although the package lists the battery play time as 6 hours, in regular
use I've seen it last between 7-10 hours.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for the battery. It's taken
longer than expected, but I think it will be worth the wait.



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