The biggest advantage to Sirius/XM is that it is very mobile. Beyond
that, unless you just have to have Howard Stern, it has very limited

Whereas a SqueezeBox type device has almost limitless content with
literally tens of thousands of streams from every corner of the globe.
However, far less mobile compared to sat radio.

Two quick comparisons:
Subtract out all of the Sirius/XM stations you do not listen to, what
are you left with?  Maybe 6 stations you actually utilize (and with
Within just a single genre inside ShoutCast I'll have well over 6
commercial free, high bitrate stations to choose from (many commercial
There are 300 other ShoutCast genres to choose from, plus all of the
other services offered beyond ShoutCast.

Think of Sirius/XM as over the air TV broadcasts, very mobile but very
limited choices.
Whereas SqueezeBox is cable TV with many more choices and video on
Except in this comparison you are paying for limited over the air TV
and getting cable TV for free.  ;)

My humble summary:
If you really want mobile content (like when driving) then Sirius/XM is
a great choice.
If you really want better audio quality in your home with FAR more
choices and flexibility then a SquuezeBox type solution is the better
choice, albeit less mobile.

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