I just don't experience most of the Radio problems listed in the past
few posts.  I switch the Radio between MySB (most common use) and SBS
and TinySC.
If you do switch between MySB and SBS set your SBS > Settings >
MySqueezeBox > Keep player settings in Sync > OFF

I do not experience the following:
-  Sound Effects are set to NONE, never hear them, never changes it's
settings on it's own
-  display freeze
-  just stops working requiring reboot, I do get occasional stream
stops, but never requires a reboot to start play again
-  Home Menu items never change on their own

That said...
-  I am on the US MySB server which seems less buggy than the EU MySB
-  Presets are still a mess
-  I do not use Alarms
-  default station art (b&w radio tower) has disappeared, tho I see
this as a benefit because it is silly and pointless to display a stick
figure b&w image on a full color LCD display, I like having "nothing"
displayed in place of the default art

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=81889

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