0xdeadbeef;584635 Wrote: 
> No surprise here, the very same people feel the urge to contradict
> without a single valid point.......
> And about that "this just happens for a few people myth": read the
> comments on Amazon....

Many have made valid points, you just refuse to accept them.  You will
not get satisfaction here, period.  This is only users trying to help
other users fix issues.
No one here can refund your money, nor tell you when or if your issues
will be fixed.  This is simply the WRONG place to continue to bemoan
your silly rantings.

How about this as a valid point:
The others you refer to on Amazon reviews also had issues.  They likely
called support, they wrote a negative review, they likely returned the
Radio, or they continue to enjoy their Radio living with the few quirks
they wrote negatively about.  But here is the important difference
between you and them:  they got on with their lives and didn't waste
hours of their time complaining to the WRONG PEOPLE!

Buy a $5 alarm clock and throw your Radio in the trash.  You will save
far more than the $200 cost of the Radio in lowering your meds for
ulcers and high blood pressure.  ;)

But if you insist on continual ranting I can only suggest you take up
arms with the original poster of this thread and go post your
unhappiness on a legal forum where you have at least the smallest
chance of getting satisfaction.  I'd put that chance just below you
getting hit by a meteorite today and just above getting *any*
satisfaction in these user forums.

toby10's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12553
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=82804

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