BLatSD;584874 Wrote: 
> ......
> The thread seems to be more of a pile-on against this oxdeadbeef guy
> who apparently has a history of irritating you folks, so I probably
> should have just kept my nose out of it........

You are missing the point entirely.  ;)
No one is "piling on" the poster Oxdeadbeef.  Oxdeadbeef is "piling on"
the complaints and dissatisfaction in the wrong forum frequented by
those who cannot resolve his issues.  
We are simply responding to his NUMEROUS and REPEATED posts
regurgitating the SAME complaints.

garym;584755 Wrote: 
> ..... If I constantly barrage my neighbor with complaints about ATT's
> phone service, she will eventually avoid me at all costs. Yes, she is a
> phone user, she may even use ATT. But she's not the phone company and
> she's not the official complaint channel......

With the above stated scenario posted earlier in this thread, and
exercising the most basic common sense, reality and maturity, which
category do you fall in?
Category 1:  The Oxdeadbeef approach, complain daily to the neighbor
for 8 months (and counting) who in no way can resolve the issue.
Category 2:  Common sense approach, express your dissatisfaction to the
neighbor once and ask for advice, then contact the appropriate support

Even if contacting support gets you nowhere, bugging the crap out of
your neighbor accomplishes nothing and only serves to alienate your

By all means use these forums to state your issues, ask for help, help
others, offer your opinion, even complain if it suits you.
But complaining 100 times about the same issue where the participants
cannot resolve your issue is pointless and childish.  Period.  :)

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